The gorgeous background art on this site is used with the kind permission of the artist  Dani Dunn ©

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"Lean on us, for we enfold you in Love, and lift your perspective to new heights" - Your angels

*Everything on this website unless otherwise stated is under Copyright and not to be used in any way or for any purpose without written permission

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Artist: chasity ijames ©. Used with artists kind permission

Combining Spiritual & Life Mentoring - In One Vision


 "Every time you feel an unexplained rush of warmth, that is the angels loving you"




 Oracle Reading Coaching Workshop

Yours FREE

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Angels Guide Your Heart & Soul


Click the Play buttn to get started

Featuring professional Oracle Readers from Australia and the UK who share

their personal methods, insights, and tips to assist you!

Whether you are a seasoned Oracle Reader wishing to polish your skills,

beginning on your journey as a Reader, or somewhere in between,

this Free WORKSHOP is full of tips designed to assist YOU with your own Readings.

How It Works

Simply click on the play button below. 

All the instructions will be given to you. 

Learn how professional Readers interpret each card in the order they appear below.

Learn how each of us work, how we bring forward the guidance and messages for our clients from the angels

when we Read for our clients professionally.

This is your opportunity to interpret each oracle card yourself , and to gain insights into the ways in which we, as

professional Readers work.

Your Oracle Readers are:

Heather Stuart - Cert Angel Intuitive

Sheelagh Newberry - Angel Channel

Anayah Joi Holilly - Cert Angel Intuitive with advanced training


Click the Play button and let's get started!

The oracle cards for interpretation are:

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Doreen Virtue Oracle deck

Doreen Virtue Oracle deck

Annie Jameson Oracle deck.

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Doreen Virtue Oracle deck

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Doreen Virtue Oracle deck

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Doreen Virtue Oracle deck

Congratulations on participating in this Oracle Workshop.

May you take all you have learned and apply it to your own Readings.

And remember, you came to earth already qualified for your Divine life Mission!


"Feast your gaze upon the possibilities and watch as they unfold into form in your daily life experience.

It really is as simple as that."

~ Angelic realm



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"Interference is merley fear in action" ~ Angelic realm




  Please Note: All content on this site is under Copyright.

Copying disrespects the artist and/or author. Thank you for respecting all Copyrights.
All art is used with  the artists written permission, or license purchased.


When the angels asked me to build this site for you, I had no idea how it would change my life,

nor the gifts it would bring to me.

I had absolutely no clue how to even begin to build a website, but true to form,

than angels guided my every step.

Building this site was really was a big leap of faith for me, as I had no confidence in myself at all,

BUT, my confidence in the angels was strong.

And just look! Look at this amazing, gorgeous website!

Browse the pages, read my story as an Indigo Scout and parent of Indigo's.

The angels have given me their guidance  to share with you, and I do so with a grateful heart.

Working with the angelic realms has opened me in ways I never ever dreamed possible.

I hope that by visiting here often, you too will benefit from the angels guidance and support

you will discover a home, a place of welcome,

peace, joy and comfort.

Discover Angel Heart Radio,  and all we bring to you, to nourish and enrich your life experience.

I hope you enjoy your angel experience here, and that  by visiting the pages of this site you will feel

their love for you,their support and guidance and that your life and purpose benefit from being here.

If you feel happy here, would you share this site with others?

I invite you to stop by often.

~ Anayah Joi Holilly


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The Angels & Angel Heart Radio

We are your safe Harbour

Angel Heart Radio


Click on any of the boxes to listen.

Click the picture

The Art

I am privileged to have the written permission of each artist to display their work here.

When the angels first asked me to to create this site, I knew I wanted it to be filled with stunning art works.

I set about finding artists on the web, and then writing to each one asking their permission to showcase their wonderful work.

I was so thrilled as one by one, they wrote back, and in most cases, gave me their blessing.

Please Remember

Every piece of art has been created by someone, and I request that you do not copy it.

Someone has worked at each piece. Someone has walked the creative path in order that these magnificent art works may be born.

I invite you to visit their websites. In many cases prints are available for sale.

Thank you ~ Anayah Joi Holilly

Scroll down for amazing art!


Artist: Artist: Copyright Christiane Vleugels


A BIG Thank You to all our visitors!

If you have any comments or feedback, please click here



Local Brisbane Australia time.

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Artist & Copyright: Jordan L Gribble

Used with permission

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Artist & Copyright: Emiilie Leger

Used with permission

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Artist & Coyright: Cemac

Used with permission


**Please note: None of the information or material supplied here is intended to be a substitute for medical care or opinion. If you are dealing with any sort of medical or emotional disorder, are undergoing psychotherapy, are experiencing seizures, or have any other neurological or neurorespiratory disease, I suggest that you consult your Doctor and use the information, interviews, books etc under their supervision. I do not assume any responsibility for your improper use of material provided here.
