The gorgeous background art on this site is used with the kind permission of the artist  Dani Dunn ©

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"Lean on us, for we enfold you in Love, and lift your perspective to new heights" - Your angels

*Everything on this website unless otherwise stated is under Copyright and not to be used in any way or for any purpose without written permission

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Artist: chasity ijames ©. Used with artists kind permission

Combining Spiritual & Life Mentoring - In One Vision


 "Every time you feel an unexplained rush of warmth, that is the angels loving you"





 *Please note: Everything on this website is someones work, and  unless otherwise stated is under Copyright and not

to be used in any way or for any purpose without written permission


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Artist: © Emilie Leger. Used with kind permission

The Angels Guidance 

Welcome to the home of the angels guidance and wisdom, as

channeled by Angel Intuitive with advanced training Anayah Joi Holilly

to help empower, guide and instill the angels deep love for you in your everyday life.

©Anayah Joi Holilly

Your progress never goes unnoticed by the Universe!

You make a clear contribution,

one that no one else could make in the same way.

Just be yourself, your wonderful, unique self.

We say it again:

Your progress never goes unnoticed by the Universe! You make a clear contribution,

one that no one else could make in the same way.

Just be yourself, your wonderful, unique self.


Rejoice in the Light!




It's voice beckons you through Joy-Full actions, words and deeds.




Follow this pathway, as it leads you toward the fulfilment of your dreams, your passions, your very purpose!




There is NOTHING that can deviate you if you choose Love, Peace, and Joy as your tools in trade.



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Today, practice believing in yourself!


Allow yourself time to become comfortable with this new way of thinking, behaving,  and believing.




Practice simply means allowing your energy to flow into any area of your life,

your thinking, your way of doing a thing, and yes, in developing new skills.



Energise whatever you wish to grow and prosper with the energy of Practice using the Law of Attraction by focusing

on wonderful outcomes!



To feel that you do indeed matter in the world, you must first begin to matter to yourself.

Take, make, create, allow some time for you

no other can do this for you

it is the way forward

it is necessary

it is being of service to yourself

that we en-courage you

fill your self with the courage to proceed

even a tiny step forward in this matter counts

helps usher in change and growth

this is the time for you to give to yourself

so that you may begin to feel more love toward and for yourself

then others can begin to connect with you on a much deeper level

it all begins with you

it all rests in your very capable hands.

You have the power, please employ it to your greater benefit and

feel yourself begin to blossom.


What good to you, or to the world is a smile if it is never set free?


The mysterious wonders you seek lay not somewhere 'out there'

- if you could but find them.

Rather you are the mystery, that great, beautiful,

magnificent 'mystery' you seek to know and understand.

Spend a little time each day gathering the unknowable

- that is to say, away from your mind.

Spend this time in your own soft and gentle company

And all will become clearer, easier, simpler, and apparent to you.

From this practice, this gift to yourself, the petals of your magnificene

of your Being will being to unfurl

Revealing the tender rosed bud of your own heart and soul.

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Release your worries, fears and doubts to us, for we will take them from you,

and leave in their wake a sense of Hope, of Peace, and a firm Plan of Action.

Your children are suffering from a lack of exposure to Nature,

which is in their Nature to need and experience daily.

It will be no more work or take any more effort than you are presently giving, in fact,

  after a short period of adjustment, it will take less!

Try it, after all, what is your alternative, and how has it been working so far?

Notice the signs we are sending you.

Trust in the Timing, for it is Divinely orchestrated.

Expect Miracles!



Letting go is not the same thing as giving in.

Letting go is a release

Giving in is a feeling of defeat.

Letting go is 'Allowing' mode

Giving in is ego mode.

Both are opportunities for more growth.


No matter how you may be feeling today, you are not now, nor will you ever be, alone.

We will never leave you.

not ever.

Allow Hope to become your constant companion

For in Hope Miracles reside.


You Know in your own way - not in the ways of others.

You have a deep river of spiritual understanding.

Trust it.

Allow it.


Give it room and space to breathe.



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Your prayers concerning your career, your Sacred life mission or your

current work/employments seeming short-comings

have been heard and already answered.

Now is the time for you to pay attention to the signs and signals we send your way.

Discount nothing, quest-ion everything, for your work here is far more important than you know,

and only you have the ability to fulfill your mission.

Everything you are presented with is an opportunity in your Quest to bring more Peace,

More Love and More Light to this planet you call Home.


Will you Listen?

Will you answer the calling of your soul's growth?

Quiet your mind, allow our soft whisperings to be heard.


A Universal shower of Unconditional Love and Peace is offered to you.

Are your arms open in welcome?

Folded arms are empty arms.

As the petals of a flower open before the suns loving rays, open your

heart, your mind and your acceptance.

Embrace all that is so lovingly offered to you, for it is your choice alone to make.

Are you choosing consciously?

Or are you walking the illusion of lack, this most common mis-conception,

born from fear, and fear alone.

Fear not, for you are cradled in the most loving arms, held in the highest regard.

Now is the time to elevate your viewpoint and too, your self-esteem.

Walk in this Truth, and your life experience will naturally reflects this 


By paying attention, you open the doors to revelations.

Signs and signals are beaming their way into you life and awareness.

Are you paying them heed?

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Artist: Ereika Lugo ©. Used with artists kind permission and respect for Copyright

Plan for your success in every area of you life.


Peace is the greatest healer of all.

 By focusing your on what you desire instead of what you fear,

you open the door to more than you are aware of!


 So, focus, imagine, pretend, meditate, visualize, and ask us for our healing assistance.



 Archangel Raphael is within you, your situations, events, and is always on call.


 Mother Earth is a tremendous source of healing and health, as is the often forgotten connection

with the moon, the sun, and the stars.


 Look always, to Peace.



Just be yourself, you are more wonderful than you know.




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Your fears can render you as if blind

to the Truth

of your value and greatness

Be willing to allow us to guide you

Be willing to call upon us

We willing to Ask us for all you need, wish for and desire

Please, do it now


Ask us to assist you to become willing to let go

to hand over,

to relax and to play!

For it is in the asking that all barriers are revealed and removed.

Discounting the importance of Play is a disservice, both to yourself, and to your family.

Innocent play, is a vital part of your life experience, for when you play


feel joy

 your mind and your body are soothed


and in turn

your life opens before you as a flower, its nectar sweet, nourishing, sustaining.

The value and importance of joyful, innocent play cannot be overstated.



Take yourself by the hand, by the heart

and lead yourself into the land of Discovery

for there all things bountiful and beautiful await you

the joy of Love

the joy of Purpose

the joy of Self Acceptance

the joy of YOU

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You have your own 'wings', though you see them not.

Fly into your own Greatness.

For as you do so, you become a Messenger to others to do the same.



The more you listen to us, the more comfortable you will become with us

The more you listen to us, the more you will accept our presence in your life

The more you listen to us, the more you will accept that is really is us you are hearing, or experiencing.

Trust is the key and the way.


You may be familiar with the saying "Keep It Simple Stupid - or K.I.S.S

We prefer "Keep It Simple Sweetheart"

and invite you to prefer it also.





for you are such a sweet-heart, and so very deserving.


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Your fears are not your cross to bear.

They are simply your mind running away with you.

Call on us, ask us to unburden you.

'But I already do that, and still I worry!!' we hear you cry.

Dearest one, it is not that we do not hear you, or respond to you.

Rather, it is your continued habit, your worry addiction that is at work.

Each and every time you are tempted to think about your cares and fears,

it is necessary for you to be willing to allow them to rest,

to disperse,

to fade from your mind and memory,

to be willing to discontinue speaking about them,

Facebooking and Tweeting them.

That is what is required of you, and it shall be done.

You can not ask us for too much, too big, too often.



This is simply not possible



For it is our joy to help you in every way we can



This is the purpose for which we were intended




So please ask, ask ask!


Your thoughts are energetic tools

Use them to create what you Do wish for

Every time you find them wandering in directions of fear

Simply call them back to you as you would a straying child

Call on us to help you cleans the fear particles away

To wash them clean and clear

To transmute them into Love and Light

Then send them back out into the world

While it is true many events are unfolding on your planet, your home

Remember, always remember

You are a part of the Solutions you seek

And your thought energy makes a big difference to all outcomes


Your own spiritual growth is an important focus for you right now,

for without growth, what else is there?

This casting of the Light, is more valuable than you can conceive of,

and should not be underestimated - ever.


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You have your own sacred energetic wings.

Your were born with them.

You cannot loose them.

They are yours as surely as your breath.

You can, however, deny them.

Have you denied yours?

As you unfurl your wings, remember this:

Your grace is inherent, your Light abundant

Your beauty complete

No matter whether you believe it, acknowledge it or even understand it

It remains a sacred Truth.

Unfurl your wings dear one, unfurl your wings and fly.


Your soul-path beckons

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Even when it seems impossible for it to be so, even then,

everything - everything - is your opportunity to




and bring in more Joy

You may need to shift your perspective however.

We love you no matter your choices




There can be no blame attached to you Blameless One


Allow yourself Peace

Quiet your mind

Allow the gentle touch of our love for you be the balm you need 



Respect All

For all has its own Place and Time to be heard




Hush now

We are here

We hear, we see, we guide

Quieten your mind and your racing heart will soothe

Your thoughts will come together more gently

In your heart you already know what you need do

Call on us, we are here to guide you

Everything will work out for your highest good as you take even the

smallest steps to follow our loving guidance

Our love for you knows no bounds


Hush now....



How we hear your say. 

How do I let go of fear??

Call upon us, for we hear your every prayer, your every plead, your every thought for assistance.

Call on us, then rest your mind.

Ask yourself this one vital quest-ion;

"What if everything is perfect, exactly as it is?"

Ahh.. this quest-ion has wings, and can set you free.




Not only is it a grand new day, it is also an entirely new opportunity for you

to accomplish that which you came here for.

Celebrate your capabilities for they are awe-some indeed.

To celebrate anything less is of course your free will right ...

Choose that which reflects your deepest desires, for every action, non-action, thought,

and expression is your choice to make.





Invite the children into your arms, your heart, your magical energy field to

sing and dance and play right along with you.

See no separation.

Teach them about their own choices and how best to make them

a reflection of their own power-full,

joy-full, love-filled intention for their own highest good.

Teach them that All are One.

That each choice made is a drop in the ocean of humanity.

That to bathe in the Light of Love is the most power-full act of All.



Walk not in the shadows of your fears.

Step out into the Light, for it shines brightly at all times.

All that is required is to turn your head in it's golden direction and recognition is instant.

The rest automatically follows, as surely as one step leads to another.


As you dis-spelled the fable of your own dis-empowerment, your thoughts,

your actions, your open heart centre are all invitations to others, opportunities to

bask in the en-Light-enment you spread, both far and near.


Walk Free, for you can be no other way in Truth.



Loving your child within is every bit as important as loving the air you breathe.



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With your arms outstretched, with your heart wide open, with your mind at peace,

with your energy systems synchronized ... this is the way you seek.

This is the way to higher freedom.

This is the way to abundance!

This is the way to embrace yourself, and your brothers and sisters of all nations.

This is the way in which to live as one.

This is the ONLY way to Truth.

It's all up to you...


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Not only is it a grand new day,

it is also an entirely new opportunity for you to accomplish that which you came here for.

Celebrate your capabilities for they are awe-some indeed.

To celebrate anything less is of course your free will right ...

Choose that which reflects your deepest desires, for every action, non-action,

thought, and expression is your choice to make.





Invite the children into your arms, your heart, your magical energy field to

sing and dance and play right along with you.

See no separation.

Teach them about their own choices and how best to make them a reflection

of their own power-full,

joy-full, love-filled intention for their own highest good.

Teach them that All are One.

That each choice made is a drop in the ocean of humanity.

That to bathe in the Light of Love is the most power-full act of All.


Even though you may not want to believe it, you are seeing the situation correctly.

Call on us to help bolster your confidence, courage and resolve,

for to sit on the fence will not allow you to move forward.

Not making a decision is still a choice.

No matter what you do, we Love you.


Emotional sensitivity ... a curse?

Or a Blessing

To harmonize with your gift of Sensitivity, first focus upon your beautiful Heart Center.

Feel it as it dwells within you.

Send it your Love, for as you fill it, it fills You.

Now, give thanks for this beautiful wonder within.

Gratitude is the Key with which you open all doors.




Artist: chasity ijames ©

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Used with artists kind permission and respect for her ©

Acknowledging your body’s cycles and rhythms, and then honouring

them is important to the outcome you seek.

By holding thoughts of happiness (simply close your eyes, smile, and focus on a time or memory

when you felt happy) you encourage the flow of more, of new, of expanded happy-ness to circulate

throughout your energy systems, throughout your  life experience.

As you give to yourself, you attract this energy from others also. 

This includes romantic energy. 

It matters not whether you are currently in a relationship, or visualizing being in one.

Spiritually based romance is on its way to you now. 

Are you ready for it to evolve?

Be open to receiving as well as giving!

If your relationship with yourself is passionate, loving and balanced,

then of course this will be reflected back to you.

If you are currently in a relationship:

This does not mean that you must automatically leave your current

relationship if you already have a partner.

Be willing to hold elevated thoughts, focus on what you Love, Like and Respect about this person

(instead of the things that irritate you) and allow spiritual love to blossom within your own heart.

Romance will surely follow, in whatever form is for your highest good,

and with the partner that flows from this good,

whoever that may be.

Honouring self and others is key here.




The power to heal is not something delegated solely through education.
While education is a glorious thing, it is often mistaken as the only, or,

most valuable source of health and healing.

 This is not so.


 Peace is the greatest healer of all.


 By focusing your on what you desire instead of what you fear,

you open the door to more than you are aware of.


 So, focus, imagine, pretend, meditate, visualise, and ask us for our healing assistance.



 Archangel Raphael is within you, your situations, events, and is always on call.

 Mother Earth is a tremendous source of healing and health,

as is the often forgotten connection with the


moon, the sun, and the stars.


 Look always, to Peace.

Artist: chasity ijames ©.

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 Used with artists kind permission

Inspiration is found in quiet moments.

Inspire your children to seek the inner chambers of their own wisdom,

and built in guidance systems.

This will do much to restore the balance so desperately needed by the earth’s children,

for this balance will assist them in all aspects and areas of their lives,

and act as their guiding star throughout their Earth Walk.

It is vital that you do so, and do it now, for to wait is to add confusion and even more mind 

clutter to the burdens they are already carrying.

These burdens are far too heavy for such young shoulders,

and it is up to you to make the choices necessary to relieve

them and restore their minds to peace-full thoughts.

Peace is the only way to the futures you seek.


It's true: You are a great person, with an important mission only you can complete!

We see your progress, even when you do not, and your progress is making a difference

in bringing in more Peace, more Love and more Harmony at this very important time on Earth.

Take only the steps needed right now.

The 'future' will unfold even more easily once you channel and focus your thought energy on where you are instead

of where you think you should be.

You are in the correct time and place, or you would not be there in the first place.

This is the Law of Divine Timing, so you see, there is no need for second-guessing.

Allow your mind to rest, as this constant worry habit is depleting you and causing your energy to leak

out in ways you are unaware of.



it is You.

Look around you, find the Beauty in all things; for it exists in the leaf on a tree,

the petal of a flower, a grain of sand.

That too is You.

Nothing is separate.

Everything is you, and You are It.

When this makes sense to you, you will know Peace.

Artist: chasity ijames ©.

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 Used with artists kind permission

One of the unlimited ways in which we support you, your dreams,

and your Divine Purpose, is through Signs.

Are you paying attention?

Are you noticing/accepting/believing your own valuable Guidance systems

alerting you to these Signs?

Here's how you will know the Signs are truly coming from us:

We repeat the Signs if you are not paying attention. We love you and so, we never, ever give up!

The Signs we send to you are aways positive and loving in nature - never fearful.

When you think about taking action on the guidance, it will be accompanied by feelings of peace,

a 'rightness', a sense of 'yes!' - even when also accompanied by human nervousness.

This is the way to the prosperity that is already yours! As surely as your breath is naturally yours,

so too is Prosperity is all its many forms.


The time for walking in shadows is over.

Step out into the Light!

Movement becomes ever more essential

For to move your body, allows greater flow of the energies needed to complete your tasks.

You are a Divine being - you know this - but do you realise what it actually means?

Step out!

Step up!

It is your dance, the steps choreographed by your own magnificent  selves.

Nothing can be gained from fading into the dim alternative.




Trying to force this situation will bring you no good

A gentle hand is required

soften your heart

and your words

This is the way to the outcome you seek


Break free




Your Time has come.


You lack nothing

for your Journey has been planned in the minutest detail

by a wondrous Team.

You yourself - your True Self

and your Guardians

have left nothing out

No detail, however seemingly small

Every event

is a seed set to sprout

all that is need for success

Though success in human terms

is not necessarily the same

as it is in your souls Big Picture

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As you Weave, be Aware of the Transformation

of the Process

For it it the Cloth of Life that is passing through your hands

and as you add your won texture to the weave

you leave a Blessing for those that follow in your wake...


Awareness carries with it Responsibilities



Around the corner Awareness is Arriving

Living Is A Life Of Your Own Choosing

A valid Choice for you make your Own Way

A winding track

Worth all the bumps, turns

Breakdowns are inevitable

Par for the course

Remember *A Sparrow Falls?

Remember, always Remember

The Journey Is...

ah, The Journey, what a Wonderful Time

*Quiet your mind.

A sparrow falls a lonely drop if it is more concerned with the journey down, rather than The Flight.


The spirit soars, the physical fears.

You are young yet.

Be patient as you would be with any other child.

The first steps are always the hardest

Feelings fraught with danger...

After a time, all thing become





Magic Does Happen.

© Anayah Holilly All Rights reserved.

(from a previous message from the angels in2001)

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Direction and Guidance supported at Angel Heart Radio

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WE are Here

We Hear

We Watch

We Listen

We See

Direction is possible

Cast yourself to the Rhythm

Be full of Grace

Be True

It comes, the time is near



Be well


Direction is always available, as are We

Your turn now

Let the Dance begin.


Wish-full thinking is one of the best kinds

for it shows your clear Intentions.

Fill your thoughts with wishes and watch them come into Being for you in response

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Wish-Full Thinking supported at Angel Heart Radio

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Even when you feel 'they' are wrong and you are justified

Your opportunity to Forgive exists right now

For to carry the burden and pain of judgement is a choice

Better left unchosen.


Light the fires - mark the way

Mark time

Find the beat

Walk within it

Run not ahead

Lag not behind

The timing is a thing of Beauty

Allow yourself the power it brings

Slumber has past

Gather your Resources

Marshal your Talents

pool your Wealth

for they are one and the same

each akin to the other

The Beauty is there - look, and it opens before you

It was there all the while

waiting patiently


Judgment is easy, but a trap nonetheless

for to judge is to invite judgment upon yourself

It becomes obvious to those who wish to embark upon their own Journey

that this is a use-less endeavor -

for you all must put one foot in front of the other - it is so, is it not?

Farewell the need to pick and choose

Welcome your nurturing souls to join together and become a Brotherhood

For it is in this way that the power lies

Your Family awaits - larger that you can imagine

With your arms spread wide you will encompass Humanity

And so it is to be, a Blessing to you all

A Wonder to Behold

Channel the Message to all who would Hear

Do it Now


Gaze into the well of your own Heart Spring

What do you see there, reflecting back at you?

Your own precious Heart is a Spring from which great Love and Compassion rise and flow forth

Circulate this Love and Compassion throughout your entire Being

By Loving you more, the whole planet and everyone and everything on

and around it benefits more than you can possible imagine.

How deLightful this is. 


Become willing to alter your perception

Other areas need your attention in order to flourish

Let Kindness be your Guide

and your true motivation will be Revealed

All through Truth

This is the Key

Use it to unlock the hidden Path Way to gain access to your Destiny/Destination


To walk in the shadow of the valleys of your own self doubt and fear

is to keep yourself blind to the pure Light of the suns golden rays

that shine from within your own precious heart and soul.


Allow yourself the Gift of self-acceptance

- no matter how you think or feel you 'should' be, think, look or act.


It is your way forward


It is the way to all you seek and desire


We walk with you in this journey as we do in all others





Artist: Erica Lugo ©

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Used with artists kind permission and respect for the ©

At those times you feel you are walking in the shadows, please remember this:

We are the Light.

Call on us

At any hour

No matter what you have ever said, thought or done

We Love You and only ever see your true value and worth


Stop talking and do it

Your Path awaits

Fear not

Your true motivation leads you onward

Let yourself ride the crest of the wave

Find your way toward the top and look upon all

What do you see?

From this vantage point many things become obvious

Spread your wings

Take Flight

For it is only through your Faith that your steps lead you homeward after all

Do not be swayed by temptation

for to allow your fears to take root and prosper is to become stagnant

out of rhythm

out of step

Lovingly challenge yourself daily

Begin Now



Sleeping comes to its natural conclusion for you soon

for your pathway is to be trodden in this Light

A shared Message

The voices sing

Gather round - all intently await the News

Bring forth the seeds

Scatter them wide

Cast them this way and that

Allow the dispersal a wide arc, every corner,

 Every One needs the News, glad tidings...

A must for aching hearts, withered spirits, as a balm to a wound.


Pure tones are healing to the spirit as well as the body.

Just Listen.

Revelations are sometimes whispered.

The book that began my conscious

connection the with angels

Time passes, it always does.

Come or go...

Allow or hinder...

The process is vital.



Looks can be deceiving.

Look not only with your outer eyesight, but too with your inner vision.

Allow and encourage your senses to play together as an orchestra...

each one coming to the fore in its own moment

each one bringing forward its own gift of information,

each one allowed to shine the light of understanding.

Trust is what is needed here.

Only Trust will light your way.

Only Trust will guide you.

Only Trust can offer you safe passage through the murky waters of hesitation and fear.

Only Trust can inspire this situation to unfold to its naturally beautiful and balanced conclusion.

Trust is the key.

Call on us to boost your Faith and your Trust.

We hear

We are here



Call on us.



Your Love awaits.

Be ready, be willing, be available to the natural flow of events for

it is in the Flow that Truth is revealed.

Your spirit sings.

The notes are pure, the tone resonates.


Be prepared - you are not yet ready.

Do as you must.

Be aware of time, it marches on regardless of the drummer.

Pack/unpack. Crate. Wings. Truck It's coming toward you now - in the distance still,

winding its way on to you - steadily onwards.

Time will reveal, the intention is clear, will become clearer as time allows.

All things align.



Allow the Process.


Process is,

Process is,

Process is

vital to all -

connected to the spirit and flow of it all.

From  "Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me" by Anayah Joi Holilly ©



Keep at it.

Seek it.

Tell it.

Be ever vigilant.

Seek to become its Guardian.


 Mother Earth is a tremendous source of healing and health,

as is the often forgotten connection with the moon,

the sun, and the stars.




 Look always, to Peace.




We are your Loving angels



You are never alone.



We support you always.



We see only your perfection.



Trust us to guide you.


Fear not, for you are cradled in the most loving arms, held in the highest regard.

Now is the time to elevate your viewpoint and too, your self-esteem.

Walk in this Truth, and your life experience will naturally reflects this


Sometime, rushing is just another way of saying Help!

I am scared .. or frightened, or feeling very alone and unsure ..

We are always here, there, around, beside and within you ..


A Universal shower of Unconditional Love and Peace is offered to you.

Are your arms open in welcome?

Folded arms are empty arms.


The spirit flows, its bends and turns not visible to the eye.

Its course, often a mystery to you.

Artist: © Cindy Grundsten

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Used with artists kind permission & respect for Copyright

You have in you your own river, with its own Flow.

We do not stem its flow, nor do we change its waters.

It is for you to decide, for you to choose.

No need to wonder, for you only need ask for the answers you seek.

From  "Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me" by Anayah Joi Holilly ©



As Beauty unfolds the eye beholds and allows each and every Wonder

to be remarkable for it's very own sake.




Not to be compared to any other.


Each a Wonder in it's own right


From   THE ANGEL CODE "Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me" by Anayah Joi Holilly ©


Pure tones are healing to the spirit as well as to the body -

just Listen -

Revelations are sometimes whispered


Allow Discovery.

Examine Each New Finding with care and concern for here you may find important News.


Let the Flow smooth the Way.

Allow the course to flow as it has been plotted - the rough with the smooth.

Your Time truly is here.

It is for you, the decision is yours, it always is.

From  "Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me" by Anayah Joi Holilly ©

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Forgivness supported at Angel Heart Radio

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Today is all about You, It is YOU Day!

If you do not take loving care of your self, who will?

If you do not model this important and justified practice, then how can you expect

others to understand just how precious you truly are?

Waste not one moment longer.

Embrace YOU.

Love YOU.

Cherish YOU.

To Ask is to come ever closer to your Divine Nature.

All things - both great and small - are available to you in Abundance.

The Key to your Abundant Nature is to Ask.


A tender spirit. As with the unfurling of a rose bud,  so too your Tender Heart.








From Anayah Joi Holilly's upcoming new book


Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me

© Anayah Joi Holilly

All rights reserved.



Artist: © Cindy Grundsten

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Used with artists kind permission and respect for the ©

It's true: You are a great person, with an important mission only you can complete!

We see your progress, even when you do not, and your progress is making a difference

in bringing in more Peace, more Love and more Harmony at this very important time on Earth.

Take only the steps needed right now. The 'future' will unfold even more easily

once you channel and focus your thought energy on where you

are instead of where you think you should be.


As you make your way through your days and nights, as you place one foot on your path,

and then another, as you shed your tears and beam your smile... 




...know that we are with you, for though you may from time to time feel as if you are

alone on this journey are are not, can not be, for it is our sacred convent, our purpose and our joy to guide and

guard you always.



Place your Trust in us.



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Fear Not. Be Still Now.



Tend to the needs of your Brothers and Sisters as you would your own.

Focus your attention of the Well being of the All

Breathe Sweetness into your very words.

Embrace the more Tender aspects of your Nature

and call them not 'weakness'

Rather Strength, Faith, Wisdom, Hope.

The outcomes you truly seek will be revealed to you in this way

Move in this direction with Confidence and attention to Detail.

Let not one word pass your lips that would cause even a moments harm or discomfort.

You. Are. The. Way.

© Anayah Joi Holilly


Artist: © Cindy Grundsten

Image description

Used with artists kind permission and respect for the ©

Painful: Enchanting: Enlightening.

Who's to know unless the veil of fear is Lifted.

Fear becomes as a stone in the shallows:

There, visible, accepted.

Reach in and Remove the stone, see what lies beneath

what squirms in the sudden Light of day...

Examine the findings...

Allow them to be what they are.

Then, as is their way,

Allow them to Disperse.....

for some things, the dark is essential to their very survival.

Not all can Live and Prosper in The Light.

From Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me by Anayah Joi Holilly.

Copyright Anayah Joi Holilly All rights reserved.



Time, allow all to penetrate

Resistance is use less.

Plot your Course.

Mark the way; for to you now comes a Gift

Our Gift to You.

The Time is Here,

at hand, at last


Your pleas have indeed been

Heard and Answered.

From Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me by Anayah Joi Holilly.

Copyright Anayah Joi Holilly


Artist: © chasity ijames

Image description

Used with kind permission and respect for the ©

Raise your voice,

Sing Aloud!

To share one's happiness


to truly Receive the Gifts We bring,


know the meaning of Abundance...

for it is in

Offering Your Voice to the

Voices of Others

that a Choir is Born!

From Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me by Anayah Joi Holilly.

Copyright Anayah Joi Holilly

Artist: © Cindy Grundsten

Image description

Used with artists kind permission and respect for the ©

Time is no Barrier



Arrival is now imminent.

Unbound your hands,

allow the arrival of News.

The way is now clear, open the channels, help is at hand.

Your Time is at hand Dear One, allow the Flow as Rhythm.

Artist: Cindy Grundsten

Image description

Used with artists kind permission and respect for the ©

Have Faith, for what you ask, so it shall be Given.

Time, allow All to penetrate.

From the well, fill your cup till Overflowing


drink deeply from the Source of All Good Will...

For it is Yours, a Gift for You.

From Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me by Anayah Joi Holilly. Copyright Anayah Joi Holilly

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Angel Heart Radio - online radio with heart and soul

Nothing is ever so straightforward as to have no other Possibilities...

No other wonders to be discovered....

 All is needed is the Willingness to Follow Guidance.

From Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me by Anayah Joi Holilly. Copyright Anayah Joi Holilly

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Used with artists kind permission & respect for Copyright

Please, never, ever underestimate the Beauty that is You.


Your opportunity to forgive exists right now.

This is the time for letting go of resentment and moving into the grace of Forgiveness.

Are you willing?



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What would it take for you to Believe we are near?

What would it take for you to Believe that we Love you unconditionally?

What would it take for you to  Ask us to assist you with ALL you require assistance with?

What would it take for you to accept All you need - and more?

If you knew, if you had any idea of the scope of our Love for you, Of YOUR Magnificence,

you would never again need to be asked these Quest- ions.

Be open to Receiving.

Be Open to our Love.

This is our request and our Prayer.




Eye to eye communication with others.

Allow this part of your journey to evolve and blossom from this moment forward as this is the way you seek.

Take the chance, act now.

Move through fear – what would it mean not to at least try?

What would the true meaning of failure be then?

These boots were made for walking, put them on!

Confidence comes from the positive expectations coupled with action.

Often fear is its constant companion at first.

Let it be so.

Take it and love it and let it grow and change. Fear is like a baby.

It needs nourishment and tender loving care to grow into what it can become.

Everyone and everything gets its chance to grow and change – this is just and right.

No ‘bad’ ideas can come from Love – only sitting in fear makes you feel this is so.

Get up, get out and get active.

We hear, we see, we know.

Fear not precious one you are never alone on this your journey.

We guide – always guide.

Just ask for more!





You have heard that when one door closes another one opens,

but do you realise that when one door in YOUR life closes,

it is not really closed,

but merging with different energies and simply appears closed?


Fear not, always hold on to a higher perspective, see the best possible outcome,

even when this would seem impossible to you.

To us, it is not only possible, or do-able, it is done.


Dream the seemingly impossible dream.


It makes all the difference in your world – and in the worlds of your children.




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Allow yourself the opportunity to be, experience, express, and gift to the world all who you

are in Truth; for a gift, you most surely are.

Only you have the power to make the changes you seek, for all true chage

lies within your own self.

Do not be affraid, we leave you never


The answer you seek is this:

If it feels wrong for you, then it is.

Your inner Wisdom knows you well, and is alwyas Guiding you as surely as the stars guide,

and the moon directs the oceans tides.




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Background Image:

Celebrate YOU!


Why wait to feel good about yourself and all you have done, and are doing?

So you haven't invented a cure for dis-ease, So what!

You have bought with you a powerful energy called your Soul

Your Heart

Your smile

Your radiance

Celebrate that, and watch the magic in your life increase.


 Artist & Copyright Christiane Vleugels

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Used with artists kind permission & respect for Copyright



Gratitude will not only make your life experience feel better, more loving, and more

connected to your Souls Purpose,

Gratitude will make the energies in your life sing with more JOY.



Joy for who you are in Truth



Joy that you are exactly where you are because of your souls choice.



Joy for the difference you make to the world - and yes, you do make a significant

difference each and every day.



Joy that you are a Blessing to the whole world.



So, focus your attention on what makes you feel that deep-down-got-to-share JOY



Gratitude is your one-way ticket to all you desire and deserve. 




Please do not confuse  un-loving,

imbalanced actions and deeds, lack of respect toward your

precious self or any other for caring;

For these are not gifts of Love,

but seeds of fear and are never an option if Balance is your intention.


After all, what else is there in Truth but Love?

Rejoice in the Light!

It's voice beckons you through Joy-Full actions, words and deeds.

Follow this pathway, as it leads you toward the fulfillment of your dreams, your passions, your very purpose!

There is NOTHING that can deviate you if you choose Love, Peace, and Joy as your tools in trade.


If you could see you as we see you, if you could Love you as we Love you, if you could understand you as we understand you ...

there would be no more pain, no more suffering, no more loneliness. 

There would only be Peace.


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Do what you love, and what you love will always serve you well.

Everything, all:






Everything - begins right here, right now.


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Used with artists kind permission & respect for Copyright

What happens when you stand alone?

What happens when you look to your left, and to your right and no one seems to be there?

That is one of the most important times to call on us, your loving angels and guides.

You are never alone, even when you feel you are.

Call on us, allow us into your life and experience.

We are here, right beside you.


At this Time, your Soul is calling you to delve ever deeper into the Beauty that is You.

Your purpose is to see, to know, to feel, and to share that Beauty.

DO it now.

Right Now - for in truth, there is no other Time but Now is there?

When next you gaze at your reflection in the mirror, in a window, in any surface at all,

ask yourself this Quest-ion:

"What if I AM the Light that illuminates the shadow in my own eyes"?

"What If this is true"?

"What if denying it only keeps me bound in fear, in not enough, in the

"I-dont-know-what-is-wrong-with-me" of it all?

Then, look even more deeply.

See beyond the physical, see beyond the lines surrounding your eyes, beyond the

skin that seems less than perfect to you.

See INto your deep wells of soul-reflection.

See into your Be-ing...

and then see even deeper still.

The Universal Wisdom resides there...

That same wisdom that you ascribe to others...

You have that wisdom...

You are that Wisdom -

if only you would recognize it, embrace it...

This will activate it and carry you safely forward.

Fear, or Fear not, just Do.

We are with you.



Sometimes knowing when to stop seems elusive.

Sometimes knowing when to say 'no' seems impossible. 

Sometimes knowing when to take a break seems like a 'time waster'

Sometimes not doing any of the above is seems like the only way forward.


Sometimes you simply must observe your needs if you are to move forward at all.

Please listen to your body.

Only you can take care of it.

Artist & Copyright: Christiane Vleugels

Image description

Used with artists kind permission & respect for Copyright


Sometimes, struggle seems to be your constant companion.



In times such as these, we ask you to ponder this Quest –ion:


What are you denying – either of yourself, or to yourself?


For when the answer is known to you, you will step forth into the loving arms of your Freedom.


The Freedom to choose


The freedom to ask for what it is you need.


The Freedom to give that which you came to give


The freedom to BE who you are in Truth.



Rejoice in the Light!




It's voice beckons you through Joy-Full actions, words and deeds.




Follow this pathway, as it leads you toward the fulfillment of your dreams, your passions, your very purpose!




There is NOTHING that can deviate you if you choose Love, Peace, and Joy as your tools in trade.







Listen to your heart, for this way lies Freedom.



Speak with kindness, for all need this gentleness to be displayed.



Hope is the key and the way.





All original art on Angel Light 777 is used with the written permission of the Artist and is under Copyright.

Please respect this and do not copy. Thank you.

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Hope says Yes!

Hope takes it's form out in to the world and walks it's magic.

Kindness wraps Hope in a quilt of Love, and them wraps itself around all involved -

both seen and unseen.

This is the way you seek.

~ Dedicated to Dr Bev Kirk. One of the kindest people I know.


Everything is governed by Natural Law.


These Laws will guide & assist you, all you need do is to notice what is happening, and apply the relevant Law.




For example, Divine Timing shows you how to release your seeming control & allow all things to

breathe in their own rhythms and cycles.


All things happen in their own time, and space.




What seems 'stuck' in your life?


Are you trying to control outcomes or timing factors?


Let it go, breathe, relax and allow Divine Timing to do its work





Rejoice in the Light!




It's voice beckons you through Joy-Full actions, words and deeds.




Follow this pathway, as it leads you toward the fulfillment of your dreams, your passions, your very purpose!




There is NOTHING that can deviate you if you choose Love, Peace, and Joy as your tools in trade.




Angel Heart Radio ~ Your Safe Harbour

Changing Lives One Voice At A Time...



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Artist & Copyright: Susan Justice.

Used with artists kind permission & respect for Copyright



Sometimes, rushing is just another way of saying Help! I am scared...


 or frightened, or feeling very alone and unsure ...





We are always here, there, around, beside and within you ...




Look to us for the arm to rock you, oh so gently ...




The ears to listen to you without judgment ...




The mind to assist your every project, seeming problem, issue at hand...




Look to us for all your needs, your wants, your desires...




For this is our sole purpose, the very reason for our creation by the One Who Creates All ...




The comfort you seek is the comfort you are best suited to give,

for who else understands these needs better than you?





Give to your own child within, children in your family, and your border-less community.





Borders exist only if it is your choice that they do so - for your community is both near and far, far and near.





Give, of your magnificent energy stream. A look, a touch, a glance.


Give more, give less, just GIVE.




Remember, as you give, so shall you be given.





This is a thing of beauty.




Bathe in it.







Love for yourself must be associated with Abundance in all forms as to be inseparable ...


pure, unaltered, clear and freely flowing Abundance and your perception of it.




What does Abundance mean to you?



Allow yourself a moment to consider this Quest -ion ....



Now, ask for, and expect, your perceptions to become expanded, lifted, and purified;


for Abundance is yours today, now, in this moment, for in truth, there is no other.




Drink from the cup of Abundance in all you do, think and feel.



Abundance shines it's warmth upon you today.



Drink it in.



The parts of you that you have shut down, ignored, or denied.



This re-connection is your ticket to voyage into the Great Mystery.



Use that ticket now, do not linger another moment in these places of fear, discomfort or pain.



You have the way out.



You ARE the way out!



Celebrate your curiosity!






It is not only your connection to Planet Earth - to this glorious Being - that we speak to you of:

It is your relationship with your own self we guide you to consider.

If home is where the heart is, then without a loving connection to both yourself and 'your' Planet,

without a bond to 'home', where will you live and how will you prosper?

It comes down to this simple message:

Balance your thoughts, your actions and your intentions, for within Balance lies the softest resting place,

the cradle that seeks to rock you - oh so gently - within its loving embrace.

This is cause for celebration!

Celebrate yourself, your power to make a difference.

Celebrate your ability to protect and nurture your home, and yourself, by the simplest and tiniest of actions. 

Celebrate and watch as your own life and peace of mind improve. 

The Power rests in your hands.

Use it wisely.



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Artist & Copyright: Cindy Crundsten.

Used with artists kind permission & respect for Copyright

Your Breath is another Golden Key.

As you breathe deeply, you allow untold beauty, healing, wisdom and clarity to lovingly

assist your body in its Healing Process.

Yes, it's true, your body knows how to bring about it's own healing and cleansing.

We have sent this message many times and in may ways.

Are you paying attention?

It is not enough to wisely nod your head , but then continue on as before.

It is not recommended that you underestimated the Power of your breath, for with out it,

you cease to exist on the physical plane.

Yes, you know this, but do you real - ise it, for you have that Power, the Power to make it so ...

Sow as you will, for you Will It To Be So.

Power-Full, is it not?

Now, as you breathe, invite us in.

Invite Healing,



A Quest-ion:

Are you are blocking your Clairvoyance?

You have the ability to clearly see and manifest blessings in your life.

This is also Power-Full, and you can take back your power at any time you choose,

by just deciding to do so.

Try it now:

Breathe, see it as done, and of course,

this course - or pathway - takes you exactly where you wish to be.

Your key ring grows and becomes prosperous indeed.


Inspiration is found in quiet moments.


Inspire your children to seek the inner chambers of their own wisdom, and built in guidance systems.


This will do much to restore the balance so desperately needed by the earth’s children,

for this balance will assist them in all aspects and areas of their lives,

and act as their guiding star throughout their Earth Walk.


It is vital that you do so, and do it now, for to wait is to add confusion and even more mind clutter

to the burdens they are already carrying.


These burdens are far too heavy for such young shoulders, and it is up to you to make the choices

necessary to relieve them and restore their minds to peace-full thoughts.


Peace is the only way to the futures you seek.



more Guidance from the angels awaits you  here

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  Angel Heart Radio Welcomes You

Changing Lives One Voice At A Time...


**Please note: None of the information or material supplied here is intended to be a substitute for medical care or opinion. If you are dealing with any sort of medical or emotional disorder, are undergoing psychotherapy, are experiencing seizures, or have any other neurological or neurorespiratory disease, I suggest that you consult your Doctor and use the information, interviews, books etc under their supervision. I do not assume and responsibility for your improper use of material provided here