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"Lean on us, for we enfold you in Love, and lift your perspective to new heights" - Your angels

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Artist: chasity ijames ©. Used with artists kind permission

Combining Spiritual & Life Mentoring - In One Vision


 "Every time you feel an unexplained rush of warmth, that is the angels loving you"




Indigo Children/People




There is lots of good news for parents and Indigo's.


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Artist: © Creedd All rights reserved.

Asking & Receiving - It's Up To You


Discovering more about Indigo People and Crystal Children is a valuable and vital part of parenting and self discovery.
Lets begin with Indigo's:

There are some really important factors to understand about Indigo's, and this understanding will help you understand your child,

and help to determine if they are an Indigo.

For a start, you simply can not make an Indigo do what they don't want to!! Plus, they do not respond to guilt tactics.

For many of us as parents, we feel it is our job, our responsibility to make our kids ready for the world,

to make our kids learn how to 'fit in' to society.

In fact,  all the 'old' ways of doing things simply will not work with an Indigo, and the world is changing because of the Indigo's as

they break-down the old fear-based systems to make way for  new systems based on Integrity.

The only way to make an Indigo comply is the drug them, which parents often do out of concern, confusion, and feeling at

an end of their rope as they just don't know what do do! Help is at hand.

After all, if we can make an Indigo clean their room (for example) how are they going to change systems based on greed and competition

that have existed for so long??

indigo movie, indigo children, indigo people, indigo children movie


For a clip of the Indigo movie, click here

For many of us as parents, we feel it is our job, our responsibility to make our

kids ready for the world, to make our kids learn how to 'fit in' to society.

In fact,  all the 'old' ways of doing things simply will not work with an Indigo, and the world is changing because

of the Indigo's as they break-down the old fear-based systems to make way for  new systems based on Integrity.

The only way to make an Indigo comply is the drug them, which parents often do out of concern, confusion,

and feeling at an end of their rope as they just don't know what do do! Help is at hand.

After all, if we can make an Indigo clean their room (for example) how are they going to change systems based on  greed and competition that have existed for so long??

For many of us as parents, we feel it is our job, our responsibility to make our kids ready for the world, to make our kids learn how to 'fit in' to society.

In fact,  all the 'old' ways of doing things simply will not work with an Indigo, and the world is changing because of the Indigo's as they break-down the old fear-based systems to make way for  new systems based on Integrity.

The only way to make an Indigo comply is the drug them, which parents often do out of concern, confusion, and feeling at an end of their rope as they just don't know what do do! Help is at hand.

After all, if we can make an Indigo clean their room (for example) how are they going to change systems based on greed and competition that have existed for so long??

Attention: Indigo's are often mis-diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.

Indigo's are super-sensitive to food additives, colouring etc and need a really good diet high in organic produce and ingredients.

Please don't be fooled or comforted with the false idea that food has 'nothing to do with it".

Once you do even a very small amount of research, (lots of links are provided here)  you will be amazed to learn that you may actually be poisoning your family.

It might seem easier to believe food is not going to impact your child/family member now, but it begins/perpetuates a lifetime of struggle for them, and for yourself.

I was horrified when I discovered this, but quickly realised that when I know better, I can do better.
Same goes for you too.

What one person seems to be able to tolerate can sen
d an indigo into a rage, cause severe headaches, and worse.

I thought I 'just got migraine headaches' for over 30 years!  until a friend badgered me into taking a look at the correlation between food and the migraines (
thank you Kazzie!! ) I soon discovered that I was inflicting them upon myself!

I now never get a headache unless I eat something with additives!

Attention: Indigo's are often mis-diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.

Indigo's are super-sensitive to food additives, colouring etc and need a really good diet high in organic produce and ingredients.

Please don't be fooled or comforted with the false idea that food has 'nothing to do with it".

Once you do even a very small amount of research, (lots of links are provided here)  you will be amazed to learn that you may actually

be poisoning your family.

It might seem easier to believe food is not going to impact your child/family member now, but it begins/perpetuates a lifetime of struggle for them,

and for yourself.

I was horrified when I discovered this, but quickly realised that when I know better, I can do better.
Same goes for you too. ♥

What one person seems to be able to tolerate can send an indigo into a rage, cause severe headaches, and worse.

I thought I 'just got migraine headaches' for over 30 years!  until a friend badgered me into taking a look at the correlation between food and the migraines (♥ thank you Kazzie!! ♥) I soon discovered that I was inflicting them upon myself!

I now never get a headache unless I eat something with additives!

Seeing through an Indigo's eyes

Below is an excerpt from The Indigo Children Website

What is an indigo Child? [or more correctly now, Indigo person]

As a summary, here are the ten attributes that best describe Indigo's:

* They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)

* They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.

* Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."

indigo, star children, the indigo children book, indigo children abilities, new age,

* They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

* They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them. 

* They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.

* They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).

* They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.

* They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did"). 

* They are not shy in letting you know what they need.

doreen virtue on indigo children. dr virtue, radio spiritual, spirituality, god

The Indigo Kids Have Grown Up, and Are Growing UP!

No longer children, Indigo's have been coming to the planet in greater and greater numbers since the earlier part of last century.

Indigo Scouts started coming to the planet in greater numbers around 1940 in response to the prayers being sent up for peace on earth bought about by World War 1 (WW1 1914 - 1918 ) and then again during World War11 (WW2 1939-1945)

Prayers are powerful and mighty tools of Peace, so please, never underestimate their power or usefulness.

Neal Donald Walsch speaks about Indigo's, his view on pharmaceuticals, Indigo's sensitivity.

neal donald walcsh pic

Probably best know for his book Conversations With God, Neal is a very clear, gentle and  precise speaker.

Dr Doreen Virtue PH.D is very knowledgeable on the subject of Indigo people, listen to part 1 as Doreen explains

about Indigo's and what that means.

doreen virtue on indigo children. dr virtue, radio spiritual, spirituality, god

This clip is of Doreen Virtue on Indigo people part 2

Dr Virtue is very experienced  in this area, has written a brilliant book The Care and Feeding of Indigo's,
and has some really wonderful knowledge to share, and educate us with.

A Personal Perspective:

what to do, angels, radio internet, spirituality, angel messages, free reading, angeles,

You will find some of my own personal information and a part of my own journey, both as an Indigo Scout and parent of Indigos.

Simply click the highlighted text, or scroll part way down the 'About Me' page and look under the

At Last It All Makes Sense! banner.

Here is a wonderful clip from the movie 'Indigo Evoloution'

of a young boy talking about his view of World Peace, and how to obtain it!

heart, earth, planet, heart shaped golbe, world peace, indigo children, youtube

He  has a great sense of humour, and is very clear about his thoughts and ideas.

Don't be fooled by his age, this is a very wise soul in a young body.

As I once heard Doreen Virtue explain it: "They only come in small bodies because that's the way the Birth process works".

**Please note: None of the information or material supplied here is intended to be a substitute for medical care or opinion. If you are dealing with any sort of medical or emotional disorder, are undergoing psychotherapy, are experiencing seizures, or have any other neurological or neurorespiratory disease, I suggest that you consult your Doctor and use the information, interviews, books etc under their supervision. I do not assume anyresponsibility for your improper use of material provided here.