The gorgeous background art on this site is used with the kind permission of the artist  Dani Dunn ©

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"Lean on us, for we enfold you in Love, and lift your perspective to new heights" - Your angels

*Everything on this website unless otherwise stated is under Copyright and not to be used in any way or for any purpose without written permission

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Artist: chasity ijames ©. Used with artists kind permission

Combining Spiritual & Life Mentoring - In One Vision


 "Every time you feel an unexplained rush of warmth, that is the angels loving you"




Angels Guidance Archive

The Angels Guidance is supported by

Changing Lives One Voice At A Time...




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Moving forward may seem like a difficult thing to do for you in this moment.


Breathe, breathe breathe.


Then, Ask us to assist you, to boost your confidence, courage and self belief.


The combination of these two action steps will unlock your energy systems and elevate them from fear, to Peace.




Allow yourself the opportunity to be, experience, express, and gift to the world all who you are in Truth;

for a gift, you most surely are






Artist: Cosmouse © Cosmouse Print available
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Please do not copy.Used with kind permission.

A Universal shower of Unconditional Love and Peace is offered to you.

Are your arms open in welcome?

Folded arms are empty arms.

As the petals of a flower open before the suns loving rays, open your heart, your mind and your acceptance.

Embrace all that is so lovingly offered to you, for it is your choice alone to make.

Are you choosing consciously?

Or are you walking the illusion of lack, this most common mis-conception, born from fear, and fear alone.

Fear not, for you are cradled in the most loving arms, held in the highest regard.

Now is the time to elevate your viewpoint and too, your self-esteem.

Walk in this Truth, and your life experience will naturally reflects this


Artist: Copyright Chasity iJames
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Please do not copy.  Used with kind permission

Your emotions are at an all time high right now, pointing the way to your Divine life purpose.

Listen to them, they point you in the right direction, and once headed in this direction,

they will keep you on the correct pathway.

Each intersection, crossroad, and junction are easily maneuvered once you observe

and follow your feelings, your barometer, your compass instilled within you to lead and guide

you each step of the way.

Your feelings are a powerful and singular energy, trust in your ability to read and follow the messages they bring you,

for when you pay attention to those 'gut feelings', those feelings to either proceed, or to wait, to trust, or to question, then,

you become aligned with your own Divine navigation system.

Listen to it.

drop of water pic, drop of water image, past lives, past life connection, past life info, past life reading
Image freely available from

The power to heal is not something delegated solely through education.


While education is a glorious thing, it is often mistaken as the only, or,

most valuable source of health and healing.

 This is not so.


 Peace is the greatest healer of all.

 By focusing your on what you desire instead of what you fear, you open the door to more than you are aware of!


 So, focus, imagine, pretend, meditate, visualize, and ask us for our healing assistance.



 Archangel Raphael is within you, your situations, events, and is always on call.


 Mother Earth is a tremendous source of healing and health, as is the often forgotten connection

with the moon, the sun, and the stars.


 Look always, to Peace.



Artist: Susan Justice aka cosmouse Copyright by artist.

angel with child, angel guidance for children, angel protection for young child, angel protection
Please do not copy. Used here with kind permission.

Look toward Love.


It is where the Light emanates from, and your True and Trust-worthy guide.


Follow it, and you will always be led always in the directions best suited to your mission, which is always in

the direction of Peace.


You know what to do.


Only you Can make the choice.



Artist: Emilie Leger Used with kind permission


It's simple.

It always is.

Only fear keeps you from this truth.

And Only you can set yourself free.

How we hear you ask... how do I set myself free?? I have been trying for years!

It is simple.

Remember to Love.

Remember to Love You as you wish to be loved by others.

Then, and only then, will you be free.




Artist: © Christiane Vleugels All Rights Reserved 

ballet dancer image, ballet image, dancer image,

Please do not copy. Used with kind permission.




Truth and Integrity are Master Manifesters.

Make them as valuable tools of your trade, your compass to steer you, to guide you ever onward

toward your highest good.

With Truth comes a lightness of Being.


With Integrity comes a calm not found elsewhere.


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Image freely available from

What is it you are wishing for?

Are you embracing all that Is?

Each and every situation, no matter whether is seems to you to be 'good' or 'bad' is but an opportunity.

Once this is real-ized, magic occurs. Divine Magic



Artist: © Cindy Grundsten All Rights Reserved
moon goddess image, castle image, fairie image, angel image, cindy grundsten original art, cindy grundsten images, dezzan, deviant art images, stonehenge images, stonehenge art, moon images, moonlit sky images
Used with kind permission. Please do not copy

Feeling alone? Stuck? Angry or confused about something? Find the blessing in your current situation, for it does exist. 

When we focus our attention on something it grows - The Law of Attraction is always at work, so focus your attention on finding

the blessings in this situation and you will see it! 

A simple affirmation to assist you in in this is: "I see the blessings in my situation, and I give thanks for the opportunity

to grow and learn."

Artist: Emilie Leger © All rights reserved 

Emilie Leger art, emilie leger original art, emilile leger images, leap of faith, angel flight, angel in sky, girl leaping, original art, looking to heaven

Please do not copy. Used with kind permission

Allowing the changes you are experiencing right now will ease the journey.

Your growth is as natural to you as the leave on the branch.

Fighting it will not make the transition go away, if the transition is what you truly desire.

Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.

This is the way through.


nebula image, free nebula image, free spiritual image, free solars system image, free galaxy image, free sparkling stars image

Image freely available from


As you dis-spelled the fable of your own dis-empowerment, your thoughts, your actions,

your open heart center are all invitations to others, opportunities to bask in the en-Light-enment

you spread, both far and near.

Walk Free, for you can be no other way in Truth.

(From the archive. October/November 2009)



Artist: Christiane Vleugles © Christiane Vleugles 

Please do not copy. Used with kind permission.

Your own spiritual growth is an important focus for you right now,

for without growth, what else is there?

Helping others is not a chore, but rather, a joy! a privilege! A Light cast out into the world,

illuminating not only your own experiences, but also the experiences of others.

This casting of the Light, is more valuable than you can conceive of, and should not be underestimated - ever.

Your unwavering focus will ensure you hit the mark, in amazing, magical and everyday ways,

none more valuable than the other, each an important step.

You are constantly surrounded, loved, guided valued and inspired by more angels than

you have ever dreamed possible.

And by your own guardian angles, lovingly assigned at birth for the duration of your life-experience. 

We leave you never.

Artist: Christiane Vleugels © Christiane Vleugels All Rights Reserved

Child image, baby girl image, christiane Vleugels art

Please do not copy.. Used with kind Permission.


Balance is key to all: therefore, it is  a necessary undertaking and a blessing to yourself

and to your Purpose, to balance your male and female energies.


In order to do this it is helpful to seek the child within, to calm and address the fears this little

child holds around strength, action, and power.


What are strength and power?


Perhaps they speak of the ability to seek that Balance of which we speak?

For this seeking involves Self Exploration, Compassion, and Forgiveness for All.


Do not confuse this with un-loving, imbalanced actions and deeds, lack of respect toward your

precious self or any other; for these are not gifts of Love,

but seeds of fear and are never an option if Balance is your intention.


After all, what else is there in Truth but Love?



 Artist: Tytaniafairy ©opyright Chasity iJames

Image description

 Please do not copy. Used with kind permission.

With your arms outstretched, with your heart wide open, with your mind at peace,

with your energy systems synchronized ... this is the way you seek.

This is the way to higher freedom.

This is the way to abundance!

This is the way to embrace yourself, and your brothers and sisters of all nations.

This is the way in which to live as one.

This is the ONLY way to Truth.

It's all up to you....


Image description

The power to heal is not something delegated solely through education.



While education is a glorious thing, it is often mistaken as the only, or, most valuable source of health and healing.



 This is not so.



 Peace is the greatest healer of all.



 By focusing your on what you desire instead of what you fear, you open the door to more than you are aware of!




 So, focus, imagine, pretend, meditate, visualize, and ask us for our healing assistance.




 Archangel Raphael is within you, your situations, events, and is always on call.



 Mother Earth is a tremendous source of healing and health, as is the often forgotten connection with the moon,

the sun, and the stars.




 Look always, to Peace.





Artist: Julia Dewanti ©Julia Dewanti Prints available
ulia dewanit
Please do not copy. Used with kind permission.


As in the theater, much activity occurs behind the scenes, unobserved by the audience.

This is how it is for you at this time. 

Know that all is in alignment for your highest outcome.

Trust in this. 

Look for each sign we leave along your path to reassure you of our involvement and guidance.

See through the eyes of Love and Compassion and wonder-full outcomes unfold.













Artist: Julie Jensen © Julie Jensen Intuitive Artist 


julie jensen, julie jensen spirit artist, julie jensen intuitive artist, anayah radio, angel heart radio, julie jensen on facebook, angel heart radio show, free readings, spirit art, julie jensen spirit artist, fine art america, julie jensen fine art america


Please do not copy. Used with kind permission.







The time for walking in shadows is over.






Step out into the Light!






Movement becomes ever more essential






For to move your body, allows greater flow of the energies needed to complete your tasks.






You are a Divine being - you know this - but do you realize what it actually means?






Step out!






Step up!






It is your dance, the steps choreographed by your own magnificent  selves.








Nothing can be gained from fading into the dim alternative.





angels, free angels art, free angel guidance, free sunset pics, anayah, anayah holily, anayah777, angellight777, blog talk raido, internet radio, angel radio shows, blog talk shows on angels, raido shows talking about angels, rumi quotes

Do you realize how amazing you truly are? You are a great person, with a deep river of strength and purpose.

Even if you do not yet realize it, it is true. 

We see your progress, the steps you take that do make a difference to the planet and everyone on her.

Allow yourself acceptance. Allow yourself this small gift. 

There is more Love surrounding you than could can possibly imagine. We are your support team, call on us often! 

We exist to support and Guide you. This is our Joy!

Just be yourself, you are more wonderful than you know.

Artist and © Julie Jensen
julie jensen, julie jensen spirit artist, julie jensen intuitive artist, anayah radio, angel heart radio, julie jensen on facebook, angel heart radio show, free readings
Used with Julie's kind permission








Your opportunity to forgive exists right now.

This is the time for letting go of resentment and moving into the grace of Forgiveness.

Are you willing?

After all, this situation only came about as way of bringing you to a place of understanding, offering you an experience for

your growth and development that you yourself called for from your soul.

Focus on the Divine spark  of Light and goodness that resides within everyone, and every situation.

What will you do?

This question, and it's answer mark the beginning of a new direction for you.

Call on us to clearly Light your way, to illuminate all that seems to be hid, and together,

we will open your heart and your mind to all that awaits you!

© Cindy Grundsten All right reserved
music image, meditation image, mavnifestation image, vibrational medicine image, healing image, woman listening image, ocean image, shell image, sea image, beach image
Copying prohibited. Used with kind permission

A new dawn beckons.




Do you hear it's call?




Listening to music that inspires and uplifts you is especially important for you right now.




Thinking, praying, meditating and visualizing are all amplified while listening.




Do you see the implications?


© Julie Jensen Spirit Artist See more of Julies Art
julie jensen, nature spirits, nature angels, pics of fairies, pic of fairy, julie jensen spirit artist, julie jensen intuitive artist, anayah radio, angel heart radio, julie jensen on facebook, angel heart radio show, free readings
Used here with Julies kind permission.

Release your worries, fears and doubts to us, for we will take them from you, and leave in their wake a sense of Hope,

of Peace, and a firm Plan of Action.

Your children are suffering from a lack of exposure to Nature, which is in their Nature to need and experience daily.

It will be no more work or take any more effort than you are presently giving, in fact,  after a short period of adjustment, it will take less!

Try it, after all, what is your alternative, and how has it been working so far?

Notice the signs we are sending you.

Trust in the Timing, for it is Divinely orchestrated.

Expect Miracles!

(December 2009 Archive)

10th March 2011

Please note:The following message is the Copyright of Anayah Holily and is an excerpt from my upcoming book:

'Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me' ~ Book 1

Artist/Numerologist  Karen-Lea.

angel of light, guardian angel, moon angel, angel love
Copying prohibited.  Used with kind permission

From my upcoming book Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me

©opyright Anayah Holily

Quiet your mind.

A sparrow falls a lonely drop if it is more concerned with the journey down, rather than the flight.


The spirit soars, the physical fears.

You are young yet.

Be patient as you would be with any other child.

The first steps are always the hardest.

Feelings fraught with danger ...

After a time, all thing become





Magic does happen.





You are stronger than you may real-ise.

Walk not in the shadow of your own misconceptions.

Rather, walk in the Light of your own making.

For it is when you reflect even the smallest Light, that your fear is dis-spelled.

As you dis-spellpel the fable of your own dis-empowerment, your thoughts, your actions, your open heart

centre are all invitations to others,

opportunities to bask in the en-Light-enment you spread, both far and near.

Walk Free, for you can be no other way in Truth.

Play time!

Allow your mind and body to become aligned with Peace, Balance, Calm.

Stress-full activities are a burden that can be laid down, handed over, or shrugged off anytime you choose, as the heavy,

unnecessary, (for there are always Peace-Full alternatives) draining practices they are.

Look to us, for our shoulders are wide, our arms are strong, our existence designed for one purpose, and one purpose only:

to serve, soothe, comfort, guide,assist and protect you.

Allow us to carry the load.

March 2011

Play time!

Artist: pinka109 ©Copyright of artist
orginal art, pink flowers, magic, magik, magicial art, spirials, faries, fairies, fairy art, fairie art
Please do not copy. Used with kind permission.

Ask us to assist you to become willing to let go, to hand over, to relax and to play!

For it is in the asking that all barriers are revealed and removed.

Discounting the importance of Play is a disservice, both to yourself, and to your family.

Innocent play, is a vital part of your life experience, for when you play, laugh, feel joy, your mind and your body are soothed

and healed, and in turn, your life opens before you as a flower, its nectar sweet, nourishing, sustaining.

The value and importance of joyful, innocent play cannot be overstated.

  March 2011

flower, bee, yellow, nature, angels




Practice believing in yourself!


Allow yourself time to become comfortable with this new way of thinking, behaving,  and believing.




Practice simply means allowing your energy to flow into any area of your life, your thinking, your way of doing a thing,

and yes, in developing new skills.


Energise whatever you wish to grow and prosper with the energy of Practice using the Law of Attraction by focusing

on wonderful outcomes!





butterfly, butterfly on plant, silver blue butterfly, butterfly wings

Trust your Inner Wisdom.

This link to your most sacred self has ancient echoes, and speaks to you at all times

Are you listening?

Trust in yourself!

Trust in your ability to hear/see/feel/know ...

You are not like any other, so to try to be so is a misdirection of your precious life energy flow.

Your difference is your magnificent mantel, one no other has access to.


March 2011

julie jensen, julie jensen spirit artist, julie jensen intuitive artist, anayah radio, angel heart radio, julie jensen on facebook, angel heart radio show, free readings
© Julie Jensen Spirit Artist

The wonders of the world are not limited to the Grand Canyon, the Great Barrier Reef, the Eiffel tower ...

no, the true great wonders of the world are actually you, and the Light you bring to the planet.

Turn away from death, despair, and tragedy.

This is not to say turn away from your brothers and sisters, but rather from the heavy energies of pain, fear, sadness;

and instead Focus your attention on the Love, Light, and Liberty that these high voltage vibrations bring with them.

Focus your attentions of what you CAN do, rather that what you feel you can not.

Focus your energies as a laser beam of Love, circling the globe, shedding masses of Love showers,

Light Beams directly into the hearts and minds of every-single-being-on-planet-Earth.

This is a more constructive use of your time and energy.

This is your truth.

This is the way you seek

The way forward.

The way to Peace.

For Peace is not a thing to be obtained, rather an energy that already exists, right here, right now.


March 2011


Look around you.


Do you see the children?


Do you hear the children?


They need your guidance now.


You, as an elder, must bring your wisdom to bear and lovingly guide these wondrous beings.


Look beyond the surface, look to the Divine spark within, pay not attention to what would seem disruptive.

Disruption is only another way of expressing pain, confusion, bewilderment.

Look beyond!

Regardless of your age, this is the call to Sheppard the younger ones too you.

Use your energy field, your loving heart, your eyes, your brilliant mind.

The stream of energy you send out to the younger ones offers them a footing in a sometimes seemly shaky world

Make the offer.

They need you now, do not hesitate.





hands, hands of light, image of hands, healing hands image, healing hands, reiki

Lovingly placing you hands on yourself and others sends Healing Light energy into that being.

You are perfectly qualified for this work.

You have this energy flowing Thorough you.

You are this energy Personified.

What else is there but energy ...

... and what else is energy if not the steady hum of life.

Allow yourself to Receive.

March 2011

free flower images, free flower pic, orange flower, free orange flower image
Image freely available from

As each petal is important to the flower, each experience is important to you.

The flower does not judge its petals as good, bad, right, or wrong.

Look at the petals of your own life.

As those that have served their purpose wither and fall away, give thanks for the new growth as it appears as your life's experience,

for the timing is a thing of beauty, and no accident.

feather, feather image, singe feather image, angel feather,,
Image freely available from

The flow of your creative ideas requires some simple - yet vital - action-steps from you.

Go outside! 

Revel in the magnificence of the sky, the moon, the sun, a feather, a leaf, a mountain, a grain of sand, a blade of grass; for it is all one and the same.

Set your intention while you are bathed in the grand light of Mother Nature.

Yes, you have heard it all before.

Yet it remains a simple truth.

You will then know what to do, and how to do it.



nebula image,
Licence purchased from

Less will always be less.

Why are you settling for less?

Giving is only one part of the equation.

Invoke your own masculine energies, move into balance.

Peace resides there.

© Julie Jensen Julies art available here!
julie jensen, julie jensen spirit artist, julie jensen intuitive artist, anayah radio, angel heart radio, julie jensen on facebook, angel heart radio show, free readings
Used with kind permission

Sometime, rushing is just another way of saying Help! I am scared .. or frightened, or feeling very alone and unsure ..

We are always here, there, around, beside and within you ..

Look to us for the arm to rock you, oh so gently ..

The ears to listen to you without judgment ..

The mind to assist your every project, seeming problem, issue at hand...

Look to us for all your needs, your wants, your desires..

For this is our sole purpose, the very reason for our creation by the One Who Creates All ...

Artist: Chasity iJames © Chasity iJames 
fairy, fairie image, fairy art, fairie art, chasity ijames art, tytaniafairy
Please do not copy. Used with kind permission

Nowhere on earth can Self Acceptance be found, bought, borrowed or stolen.

It resides within.

Take the journey.

Ask us to accompany you.

To assist you.

To bolster your faith.

Your courage.

Your self esteem.

It is the  most important journey of your life.

All else follows these steps.






Do you realise how amazing you truly are? You are a great person, with a deep river of strength and purpose.

Even if you do not yet realise it, it is true. 

We see your progress, the steps you take that do make a difference to the planet and everyone on her.

Allow yourself acceptance. Allow yourself this small gift. 

There is more Love surrounding you than could can possibly imagine. We are your support team, call on us often! 

We exist to support and Guide you. This is our Joy!

Just be yourself, you are more wonderful than you know.














**Please note: None of the information or material supplied here is intended to be a substitute for medical care or opinion. If you are dealing with any sort of medical or emotional disorder, are undergoing psychotherapy, are experiencing seizures, or have any other neurological or neurorespiratory disease, I suggest that you consult your Doctor and use the information, interviews, books etc under their supervision. I do not assume and responsibility for your improper use of material provided here.
