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"Lean on us, for we enfold you in Love, and lift your perspective to new heights" - Your angels

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Combining Spiritual & Life Mentoring - In One Vision


 "Every time you feel an unexplained rush of warmth, that is the angels loving you"




Indigo Support here

My Story: The Highs & Lows

 Except when stated, all content is Copyright. Thank you for your Respect

From the pages of my life;
stories of an Indigo Scout &  parent of Indigo's ...

©  I purchased the right to use this image.

Hello and welcome to my story. Here is a small part of my journey -the highs and the lows.

I share this information with you to offer support, and to demonstrate that even rocky roads are worth the trip.

I have walked many paths. 

Some have led me away from the Light to places of despair, feeling terribly sad and alone,

and many more have led me into it, into the glorious, bliss-filled, wonder of it.

All these paths have been vital ground work to enrich the work I have come here to do,

for they are helping me to gain a deeper understanding, a lack of judgment,

and all encompassing Love and Compassion for myself and my own Divine Mission



A Little More About Me ...



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I arrived on the planet in 1957, into a family of loving souls. 

We have supported each other to the best of our abilities …

many times though, I have felt so alone, so different as to wonder if I had a place here (in life) at all.


I was born into a time of women in the kitchen, men out a work or in the back yard in the shed fixing something or reading the paper,

and good little children were seen and not heard.


I didn’t know what to do with all this, I had things I needed to say! 

I just wanted to be 'normal'

I just didn’t feel like I fit anywhere, plus, I was seeing things that apparently weren’t there, and people

who I knew had died were coming to visit me.

There just wasn’t anyone to tell. It was a sometimes sad and lonely time for an out-going little girl.


People Pleasing became the norm


My Relationship With My Dad

How to get closer to my dad, who I just loved, but was also afraid of? I could sense so much going on inside of him,

but he was born into a time of ‘keep it all bottled up, ‘don’t rock the boat’, and ‘men are strong and DO NOT share their feelings

– ever’, which of course, made him appear remote and distant, and quite scary to me.


The stage was set.

I tried to please, tried to be ‘good’, to conform so I would be ‘normal’.

I felt so unlovable, so abnormal.

Surely if I just tried harder I would be like everyone else!



 *This picture is for illustration purposes only. Available @



Who's Fault? Someone Had To Be To Blame

Now, this story is no different form many other stories, except it is mine. I tried and tried to feel like

my dad loved me, but instead, I always ended up feeling like a failure.

Why didn’t he do and say the things I wanted him to??

Why couldn’t he just try harder??

Why did we fight and argue??

What was I doing wrong????


I would feel SO much anger! and I seemed to feel EVERYTHING SO DEEPLY!



sad girl image, angry girl image

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Depression and anger became my ways ..


 So many years, so much water under the bridge.


Things continued on this course for a long time. I acted out, blamed a lot of people, events and things.

I married, had children. I became extremely busy.

I had lots of happy times, experiences, moments. I loved being a mother to my kids.

But I as a person, was not happy.

Slowly, bit by bit, I began to look at myself, to actuually consider myself as a person.



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 A begining

I began to read, make discoveries, explore, make decisions, and as I began to seek acceptance and peace

WITH IN MYSELF, so many things about my life, my views, and my relationships began to change.


It was not until I was about 40 that I realised that my father loves me.


Not in the way of my fairy tale imaginings, but in the way he does, and all that time I had spent trying to ‘get‘ him to love me,

I had not seen that he already did.


His way was just different to the way I thought it had to be, and once I accepted him as he was, it was like a veil had been lifted

from my eyes, and he actually LOOKED different to me!

One day, it just happened, just like a snap of the fingers.



Like Finding The Key

key, pic of key, key image

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Acceptance of myself was the key that unlocked my relationship with my dad, and as this

had always been one of my main life-issues, it really was an amazing experience!


Bit by beautiful bit, discovery, by amazing discovery, I slowly came into the awareness of giving

more of what it is I want to have present in my life – The Law of Attraction

It was not an easy journey to get to this point, and I have no easy answers.

I only know that to more I accepted myself - as I was, for who I was - ... I just felt better!


The Letter



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One night, I wrote my dad a letter, telling him of all that he had taught me, both the big things

and little, like for example, he was the one who taught me that his simple request for help from me as a

child made me feel important and capable.

Not to say anything about someone, if it’s not positive or affirming (still learning that one!) and that using conditioner after

shampooing made my hair shine and feel so soft! 

He taught me to love animals, and that sometimes those animals will leave us and go Home to Heaven and it's OK to mourn,

and it's also OK to move on.


Writing this letter was soothing, healing, and it served as a reminder of all he had helped me with and parented me through. 

Here is a video I made dedicated to my dad. I invite you to visit my YouTube channel.

I have made many other videos to inspire and assist you on your journey.


It bought so many memories to life, and it bought me so close to my dad in my heart and mind.

I cried, I laughed, I built new bridges between he and I within my heart and mind.. 


Recently, I was able to look my dad in the eyes, and tell him how happy and honoured I feel that he

was the one to help give me life.


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A truly magnificent moment for me, for us both. We held each other, we cried, we laughed …

Writing that letter was a lovely gentle way of helping myself to see all that I had become blinded to,

without guilt or blame.


I encourage you to write your own letter, whether you can or do mail it or not is not important.

It's the writing it that is



At Last. My Life Begins Makes Sense!


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It took me many years to learn, and to be set free by the knowledge that I am in fact an Indigo Scout

Indigo Scouts started coming to the planet in greater numbers around 1940 in response to the prayers being sent up for peace

on earth bought about by World War 1 (WW1 1914 - 1918 ) and then again during World War11 (WW2 1939-1945)

Never doubt the strength of your prayers


What Makes An Indigo An Indigo?

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Not everyone born during the 40's, 50's, and 60's is an Indigo Scout of course, but for those of us who are, or,

if you are now wondering if you may be, here is a list of traits common to Indigo's

There is just so much to learn, understand, and be aware of about what it actually means to be an Indigo

child or person , the highly sensitive body and emotions of an Indigo and what Indigo’s have

actually come here to do.

There is simply no point expecting an Indigo to learn, express, dress, feel the way everyone else does,

we’re just not built that way.

If you have an Indigo teen, they simply can not sit still and call a teacher Sir when that very

teacher shows no respect for their students for example. And don't expect to 'guilt' them into ... anything,

it just isn't going to happen.


Indigo people are incredibly deep feelers! I can tell you it’s not an easy road to feel everything as if it were actually happening to you.

Indigo’s are also extremely fiery natured, and can get very caught up in feelings of anger and will

lash out for what may seem to be the smallest of reasons. 

Indigo’s have a built in lie detector (Indigo Scouts may or may not have access to this as we learned

how to swallow our feelings and became desensitized)



There are many courses, interviews, and books written about Indigo’s, so read up if you feel you, or someone close to you, may be an Indigo


There is a weath of knowledge, information, and experience out there, so Google Indigo children (or people) ,

and use your own trustworthy sense of what is, and is not, correct for you.


I have learned quite a lot on my way.

About love, life, laughter, speaking from the heart, harsh words and their effects on both myself and others,

heartache, suicide, divorce, death, joy, and how to soothe a frightened child,

even when that that child is within me

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Reiki, An Energetic Awakening & 

The Tools To Help Save My Dads Life



My father and step-mother introduced me to Reiki in 1992, generously gifting me with Reiki 1

What a discovery for me! My Attunement was a very powerful experience, 

and opened me in ways yet I had yet to discover

This beautiful healing energy would later save my fathers life; little do we know of the far

reaching consequences of the gifts we give

My sister, stepmother and I administers Reiki to my father as he lay dying in a hospital

bed after another heart attack.

I had never witnessed a person leaving this world before, and my heart broke as I sat by my fathers bedside.

What could we do?


We each placed our hands on him... the energy flow was amazing! 

It got so hot at one point that I had to remove one of my hands to feel some relief

from the powerful energies dad was drawing in via my hands.


We had been told that my dad would not be moved to a larger hospital 2 hours away unless

there was no other option, as moving him may worsen his condition. He was very weak, and they had 'lost' him twice

in the ambulance on the way to hospital from his rural home.


My heart sank when we were told that the Doctors felt it necessary to move him to Brisbane,

and that it would have to be by ambulance as a helicopter would actually take as long to arrange,

and time was of the essence.

We sat with him for as long as we could before he was to be transferred.

It was the longest drive of my life.


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Nothing Could Have Prepared Me

I was too scared to ring the hospital to inquire after my dad - I just didn't want to hear the news that he

had not survived to trip over the phone.

Arriving at the hospital, walking in was  a terrible experience ..

but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw when I entered the cardiac unit.

There, before me, was my dad, sitting up, chatting with the nurses, asking for a cup of tea!

That was the day that changes my life forever. The day I knew, with out a doubt, that miracles do exist, right here,

on earth, for me - for my family, for us all.

Parenting Indigo's

I have 3 children, teachers of their mother all.

My two girls are Indigo's, and can smell a lie at 1000 paces 

To raise these Indigo's was an honour and an extreme irritant at once, with me not knowing what to do to make them

'behave' and do as they were told! And they won't respond to guilt tactics

The lament of parents everywhere I know ...  

Raising Indigo's is an incredible journey into madness, or sanity; depending on how you decide to parent.

Remember; You signed up for it before you incarnated. 

You DO have what it takes. Dig deep. Don't stop. Go out on a limb for them. Indigo's are a gift to the

world and so are you.

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On a personal note, I did discover, after many years, to honour and teach my Indigo's about their built-in fire and

encouraged them to channel it instead of trying to put it out.

Life got a whole lot better for us all,  let me tell you!

Another vital thing you need to understand about Indigo's is their sensitivity to food colouring and additives!  

They are often mis-diagnosed with ADD and ADHD

Indigo's are here to break down old systems like "do it because I'm the boss and I say so", "don't ask questions, just do it!"

and "it's the way things are done, so don't try to rock the boat." They are here to rock the boat.

*not actual photos of my kids.

Image freely available @


Unfair behaviour never goes unnoticed by an Indigo!

Harsh tones, words and actions will never get your messages across to an Indigo, and on top of that, you simply

can not make an Indigo do what they think i or feel is unfair!

It stands to reason when you consider this very important fact:

If we can make and Indigo tow the party line, or even clean their rooms (it's my room, I should be able to have it how I like it!),

how will they ever dismantle unfair, corrupt or rigid systems in Government, schools etc?


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My son has been one of my greatest teachers in life.

His ability to connect and relate to people of all ages, from any walk of life, his amazing gift of explaining the seemingly

unexplainable,his love for animals and his willingness to go to bat for them, have all stopped

me in my tracks in delight, awe and wonder... Namaste TJ

I like, respect, adore, treasure them all and am blessed by their presence in my life, these keepers of my motherhood,

these splendid human beings!

anayah, anayah holily, anayah777, angellight777angels messages, angels guidance, free readings, angel readings, angels help, angels on youtube

Me, March 2010

Life Guidance Readings available here.

Heart Space Speaker
Cert Reiki 1 1992
Cert Angel Intuitive 2003
Cert Angel Intuitive Advanced Training 2006
Cert ThetaHealing 2009
Founder & Exceutive Producer The Angel Heart Radio Network® (Founded 2010

Angel Heart Radio®

**Please note: None of the information or material supplied here is intended to be a substitute for medical care or opinion. If you are dealing with any sort of medical or emotional disorder, are undergoing psychotherapy, are experiencing seizures, or have any other neurological or neurorespiratory disease, I suggest that you consult your Doctor and use the information, interviews, books etc under their supervision. I do not assume any responsibility for your improper use of material provided here.